Transport Adding & TA Bills Monitoring

  What Will We Cover ?

  1. Transport Adding
  2. TA Approve & reject
  3. Supportive Documents Check 
  4. Bulk Approve or Reject

1. Transport Adding
Transport adding means to add the vehicle which users normally use while traveling to ensure his duty.

Image 1
  • Go to Transport Panel
  • Click on Add
  • Enter Vehicle Name & click on SAVE. Then the vehicle will be added which will appear on Mobile App while selecting transport to make TA
  • You can edit the names as well by click on Update.

2. TA Approve & Reject

Image 2
  • Click on Travel Allowance.
  • You can use filter as mentioned on Image 2 by User Wise, Code Wise, Date Wise , Territory Wise, even Amount Wise as well.
  • Make sure to click on Done after making any filtration.

If you want to approve the TA ,
Image 3

  • Click on right sign. Then you can see Approve. If you click on Approve, the status for this specific TA will be changed for approved.
  • You can add comments/remarks as well if you want to.

If you want to reject the TA ,

Image 4
  • Click on round cross of a specific TA. You can see reject. If you click on Reject , then the status will be changed as Rejected. 
  • You can type the reason for rejection as well on Remarks box.

3. Supportive Documents Check of TA

Image 5

  • You can check the images of supportive documents [ Example : Bus Tickets ] by clicking on Images. It will help you to make decision for accepting and rejecting.

4. Bulk Approve or Reject

You can approve or reject all TA at a single click if you want to. But It is wise to check the TA one by one.

Image 6

  • Click on left box of Name Column.
  • You can see that 15 TA's have been selected at a time.
  • If you want to select all, then please click on select all items.
  • Click on Bulk Action. You can see Approve & Rejection popup.
  • The status will be changed as your click.
Note:   Please make filter on user wise and date wise to approve or reject. 


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