How to check Effective coverage outlet and billed/Not Billed outlet summary and details ?

Let's define what the ECO is

Here is one of the standard definitions that are known:

It stands for Effectively Covered Outlet or Effective Coverage which means how many outlets out of the total outlet of a route or market or territory are making at least one memo in a month. With ECO a company measures active outlet numbers over a period of time (usually a month).

Now, let's check how we can check it from the Sokrio DMS application: 

This report will be found in Report Section on ECO TAB. 

Some steps to check this report are as follows: 

Let's explain the steps 

At first, the user needs to select a Data range to generate this report. 

User Need to select a Minimum of one Territory Type and a territory to view this report 

This one is optional for the user, but if the user selects a specific user then it will generate only that user's report

This one is also optional for the user to select a Brand, If the user selects any brand it will generate an ECO report based on selected brands, others wise it will generate a billed and not billed report 

Clicking on Generate button will start the process 

The users will view the selected date range here 

This download button will download the summary report that was in View from

In this section, Applied Filter will be visible to the user

With this download, button user will be able to download not billed outlet list of the particular user. 

Now let's describe the Header of this report: 

1. SL no is the number of users, 

2. Employee code is showing the users Code that was assigned to him 

3. Employee Name shows the user's full name 

4. Total Outlet is the total outlet count that is assigned to him 

5. Billed outlet is the count of outlets that have at least one memo based on the filter 

6. Not billed outlet is the count of outlets that have no memo based on the filter 

If there is any confusion with the above guide line please feel free to contact us. 


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