Product Master - Part 3 [ How to Edit Products ]

 We will see product edits on some segments. Let's see how you can do.

 Case 1 : Name , Code, Brand, Category, Unit, Description Change

 Case 2 : Change Prices for Several Channels

 Case 3 : Adding of Image, QTY & Deactivation.

By the way, you can make filter by category , brand and name wise. If you want to make edits, first find out the product by using filter. Now, let's discuss the edit cases.

 Case 1 : Name , Code, Brand, Category, Unit, Description Change

  • Click on Edit sign as marked.
  • You can see the edit window.

  • You can change Name & Code.
  • Can change Brand & Category as well.
  • You can add units also.
Click on SAVE to finally save it.

 Case 2 : Change Prices for Several Channels

  • Click on left side's arrow.
  • Click on show prices.

  • You can add new channels price.
  • Or you can edit the price by clicking edit signs.

 Case 3 : Adding of Image, QTY & Deactivation.

  • Click on left side's arrow.
  • Click on the marked edit sign

  • You can change the Batch Name
  • You can add Qty's.
  • You can change MRP, Stock Price, MFG & Expiry everything.
  • Click on Select Image to select the jpeg file which you want to upload for this particular product. Or If you want to change previous picture, then you can use this Select Image as well.
  • Most importantly, if you want that this particular product shouldn't be visible than you can click on Yes. You can see that it will be NO. 
  • Must click on SAVE if you make any kind of changes to be saved.


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