Product Master - Part 2 [ How to Add Products ]

 Product adding is very much important if you want your users to place orders. Let's see how you can do it.

  • Click on Add on Product panel & Select Add New Product.
  • Then you can see the view as mentioned on image.
  • Kindly go through with Product Master Part -1 before watching below.

We are discussing by the Bold Marked Segments below:

 Base Product

  • Type product name.
  • Provide a unique SKU Code
  • Select product brand from drop down
  • Select Product Category from drop down.
  • You can add descriptions [Optional]

 Product Batch
  • Select the batch.
  • Enter the qty by piece. It will be your central warehouse's stock.
  • Type MRP 
  • You can add stock price as well [Optional]
  • MFG and Expiry Dates can be added also.
  • You can upload the image also.

 Product Batch Price

This segment is very much important. If you don't add price, we can not take the orders from mobile app for this specific product.

  • this segments means to add prices for several channels like Dealers/Distributors, Retailers etc.
  • As you can see on that image that , you can select channels.
  • Just select Price for Channel from dropdown
  • Select Channel
  • Type the price
  • Click on the Right Signed box to add the price.
  • Add all channel's prices.

 Product Variants [Optional]
  • You have select the variant firstly from dropdown
  • You have to type the value as per variant and save it by clicking right box

 Product Unit [Optional]
  • You have to select the Unit Type from dropdown.
  • Have to type the value.
  • Then click on right signed box to save it.

  • After filling up the required information, You have to click on SAVE which is on below right corner. Without saving, this task will be undone.
  • You can edit the products after saving as well. We will see it on Product Master - Part 3


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