How to Create Users , Activation & Deactivation, Edits

 User Adding is one of the most important thing to get Logged-In. Have to ensure the proper hitting on right places while adding to ensure the smooth & hassle free using experience.

  What will we cover?

  1. Manually User Add. [ One by One ]
  2. Using of Bulk User Upload.
  3. User ID Active & Inactive Maintenance.
  4. User Change or Edit. 

1. Manually User Add [One by One]

Image 1

Image 2
  • Type the name.
  • Use Unique Employee ID as a code which will be much helpful
  • Type Official Mail or you can use employee ID on Mail [Example:]
  • Provide a password & Re Type to confirm
  • Territory Selection & Role Selection are the most important task here. 
  • To select a role, Click on Select Role and pick up the designation.
  • Click on SAVE to create finally
Note: Please Create Territory before adding users. It will help you while adding the users because you have to pick his/her territory when you try to add. If you do not create before, you can't pick any territory while adding users.

2. Bulk User Add

Image 3

Image 4

  • Bulk User Add means , you can add multiple users at a time. For that, you have to firstly "Download BULK Format" as you can see on Image 1 . You can see a excel file. You have to put the information's as this format demanding on column.
  • Save the excel file on CSV Format and make sure that there are no blank rows in this file.

Image 5
  • Click On "Bulk Users" as you can see on Image 1. Then you can see the Popup as shown on Image 5.
  • Select the CSV file which you downloaded and edited.
  • Click on Import. User will be uploaded
  • Then you have to assign the designations manually by clicking on user update button. Click on save after selecting the designation. You have to make it for every specific users.
NOTE: Obviously make sure to assign the Role/Designation after adding the users as bulk. Make them MANAGER on territory as well. We have explained the MANAGER related things on " How to Create Territory" page. Please create territory before adding users on Bulk as well. Because you have to type territory code on Bulk Format. 

3. User Active & Inactive Maintenance

As you know that, we calculate SOKRIO DMS Subscription Fee on Active Users basis. So this is very important to maintain active & inactive criteria's for proper financial transparency.
  • You can see Active on Lower Left Side of Image 1. If you see Yes, then it means that this ID is active. 
  • If you click on Yes Box, Then you can see NO as Blurry.
  • Click on SAVE to finally Inactive.

4. User Change / Edit 

Suppose, one of sales person got transferred or quit the job or he can get promotion as well. What will you do ? You have to make some edits on specific perspectives.

  • If quit the job, there is two ways by how you can solve it. Either you have to inactive the ID and have to create a new ID for the newcomer. Or You can simply edit the credentials.
NOTE: If you simply edit the credential on previous person's ID, then please note that All achievements/activities of previous person will come up to newcomer. Because, you are just making simple editing on credentials. But Yes, if you maintain the month manually from your side then you can have a track for newcomers activities. But it is wise to create new ID for newcomer and assign him on the particular territory and make him MANAGER on his territory as well. 
Please don't forget to Select Territory, Assign Role and Select Manager whenever you are making a new ID.
  • If get transferred, then please make edit on territory and select his territory where he got transferred. Make sure to delete him from MANAGER from his previous territory and add him MANAGER on his transferred territory. Then he will get the complete access of his transferred territory. He can't see anything from his previous territory.
  • If a person got promotion:  suppose, a senior SR got promoted to Territory Managers position. Just simply click on update user. Change his territory as a TM got his territory. Please remove MANAGER from his previous territory and add him MANAGER as like TM on his preferred area.
NOTE: Please feel free to reach us if you get confused somehow. 


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