How to Assign Bulk Targets

 Target assigning is very much important if you want to analyze the achievements.

You can assign targets on various segments, like :

  • Invoice : How many invoices they should make.
  • Orders : How many orders for a specific product they should collect. [product Wise Quantity]
  • Delivery : How much deliveries should be made. [product Wise Quantity]

  What will we cover?
  1. Bulk Method Creation
  2. Bulk Upload [ Product Wise ]
  3. Difference between BULK ADD & BULK UPDATE

1. Bulk Method Creation 

Image 1
  • Come to Bulk Target. Click on ADD.

Image 2
  • Firstly, set the target name. You can type month name as example. 
  • From Date, you have to pick a month to set up the target of those specific month.
  • Click on Save to finally save it
Note: So, you have created the method of Bulk of specific month. Now you have to assign targets. 

2. Bulk Upload

Image 3
  • Click on Bulk Assign after saving the method.

Image 4
  • Click on Download Bulk Format. Then you can see a CSV File.

Image 5
  • As you can see on Image 5, you can see your product name and SKU Code.
  • You have to select One Employee ID & Name to all the rows. Suppose you have 50 products. So, you have to place Employee ID and Name 50 times with all the SKU's
  • Unit Type will be quantity all the time
  • Value will be the number of qty which you want to set for a specific user.
  • Suppose, you want add qty for 20 SKU's. Then you can ask us that What should you type for the rest of 30 SKU's? Please input 1 as qty for the rest of 30 SKU's . But all products row should be filled up. 
  • If you want to add target for 10 Users, then you will get 500 Filled up rows on excel based on 50 products/sku's. Because you have to hit on all the rows.
Note:   Please save the file as csv format and ensure that no blank rows should be there.

Now, you have to upload it finally. Please see the instructions below :
Image 6
  • Click on Action On Box to select the action of targets. It will be on Invoice or Orders or Delivery. Select your desired one.
  • Select schemes. You can see ONETIME only. Select ONETIME.
  • Click on BULK ADD

Image 7
  • After clicking on Bulk add you can see the pop up as seen on Image 7.
  • Select the Bulk CSV file which you have edited.
  • Click on Import to finally upload it.
  • Wait for some seconds, then you can see the notification mentioning successfully added.

3. Difference Between Bulk Add & Bulk Update

Please See Image 6. You can see that there are two options which are Bulk Add & Bulk Update. So, On which one should you click  to upload the bulk file?
Let's read the basic difference.

  • Bulk Add means you are adding the qty. That means, if the qty is 5, then you have added 5, the target will set for 10. 
Note: It can be occurred in many cases. Suppose , a sales person has somehow failed to collect 10 Qty order on January. He got 8 orders. So his target hasn't be achieved. So, you want to add his rest of 2 unachieved order in the month of February. So, his target should be 12 in February. So, you have to add 10 qty as target on February .

  • Now let's talk about Bulk Update. If you upload the Bulk File as Bulk update then it will update the number. That means, if the qty is 5, then you have updated 4, the target will set for 4. It will not be 9 qty. That means, we are exchanging the numbers if we upload by clicking on Bulk Update.


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