How to Accept or Reject Proposed Visit Plan

 Proposed visit plan means, the plans which are coming from Mobile App. Day wise plan can come on bulk ratio. Let's see how you can check and Accept / Reject from Backend.

  • You can filter Proposed plan by name or Status [ Status means , is it Pending or Accepted or Rejected ]. 
  • So you have to work with the pending status holders.
  • You can accept or reject manually if you want.
  • You have to click on Update as marked on image.
  • Click on accept to make it Active or click to reject if you want to.
  • You can add remarks as well.

You can Accept or Reject Proposed Visit Plans by selecting bulk.

  • Click on left side's marked box to select 15 plans at a time.
  • You can select all plans by clicking on Select All Items which is marked on middle.
  • Click on Submit All to Accept or Reject the plan as Bulk.
  • You can add remarks there also.

Note : Please make sure to accept accurate plans otherwise you won't get schedule call properly.


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