Billing Process of SOKRIO DMS

 In recent times, it has been observed that a significant time is consumed at both Sokrio Tech and your system administrator's end to finalize the billable number of subscribers after each invoice is sent. A number of back and forth take place before finalizing the billable number of subscriptions. This back-and-forth activity is not only wasting both our time but also creating unnecessary confusion and friction in every month’s billing process resulting in a significant delay in clearing the payment and creating dents in customer experiences. 


To solve this challenge and make the process smoother and more customer friendly, we are writing to inform you of a clarification of our billing policy. We understand that this may be a new process for some of our customers, so we wanted to provide you with relevant information on how this will work. From 1st May 2023, we will be billing all active users and those who have logged in within the last billing month. For your understanding, please find the definitions of the relevant terms below:

  1. Active users: Any user who has been set ‘active’ in status by the client system administrator at the time of billing (i.e. up till the last day of the billing month). They will be by default included in the billing, irrespective of whether these accounts were used in the last billing month or not. 

  2. Inactive but Recent logins: Any user who is currently inactive at the date of billing, however, has logged in at least once within the last billing month. Irrespective of whether that particular subscription(s) have been used for operational purposes, the account will be considered billable and will be billed. 


This clarification is done to better align our billing practices with your understanding and eliminate any future miscommunication. We look forward to streamlining the billing process with this step and saving precious time at both ends to deliver a better customer experience and ensure providing high-quality support. 


Please note that from now on, it will be the sole responsibility of the client system administrator(s) to keep track of billable users as per the given directions above and no objection after receiving the bill will be entertained. 


As a clarification of our billing practices, from now on, we will be sending you an email with the detailed list of last month’s billable subscriptions with the latest login information on the 1st calendar day of every month. Whereas, based on the provided list of billable subscriptions, the invoice for the billing month will be shared with you on the first working day of the following month. The detailed subscription list and the following invoice will be sent to your official correspondence email address.


Hence, we request you to review your current subscription list and remove any unnecessary subscriptions that you do not wish to get billed for within the next 15th of April 2023. Any subscription that falls in the billable category after 16th April will be billed on 1st of May 2023, which the client will be bound to pay. After the execution of the process, no adjustments will be done. In case of any valid objection, the invoice amount will be adjusted with the next billing cycle. 


Please note that we will very soon come up with a list of FAQs to satisfy any generic query that you might have about this practice. Please also feel free to communicate with your relevant Account Manager from Sokrio Tech to clarify any confusion that comes to your mind.

 Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support.



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